Business Quiz Zone

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Archive for the ‘IBM’ Category

BizQuiz #20

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What is the name of Belgium’s National Airlines?

Big Blue is IBM. Which Corporate is referred as Big Black?

Cathay Pacific Airlines, claims to be heart of Asia, is a part of which group?
Swire group.

Which multinationals owns the brand Georgia(Ice coffee) and Aquaris (Isotanic Drink)?
Coca cola.

Which famous corporate’s head quarters is known as “Bush house”?
BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation).

Written by thebizquiz

February 12, 2009 at 2:33 pm

BizQuiz #12

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One of the most expensive properties on the New York Stock Exchange has the symbol BRKB. Name this very large holding company.
Berkshire Hathaway.

In 2004 this Russian company, founded in 1989, accounted for about 93% of Russian natural gas production.
Gazprom(This company provides energy to more than 12 European nations. Lukoil is Russia’s largest oil company.)

Blagoevgrad BT is this country’s largest cigarette company. Kremikovtzi is its largest metalworking company. Mobiltel is one of its largest communications companies.

The precursor of this company was founded by an employee, Hans Hollerith, of the US Census Bureau in 1896 in Broome County, New York.

In the world of trade and commerce what is special about the commissioning of Monte dei Paschi si Siena in Italy in 1742?
First Trading Bank in the World

BizQuiz #1

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1.Which company designed the first smartphone?
(FYI : The first smartphone was called ‘Simon’ designed by IBM in 1992..
For more information, refer to

2.Daiichi Sankyo, a Japanese firm, recently bought which Indian company?
Ranbaxy Laboratories.

3.Which was the oldest mutual fund ever?
Massachusetts Investors Trust(M.I.T)

4.The PlayStation is a famous gaming console made by which company?

5.Which is the largest oil company in the world?
Saudi Aramco
(FYI : Saudi Aramco is the state-owned national oil company of Saudi Arabia.
For more information, refer to

Written by thebizquiz

November 24, 2008 at 12:03 pm