Business Quiz Zone

for Biz-Savvy Buffs…

BizQuiz #27

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Under Robert Woodruff, Coke changed its formula so that the glycerine in it came not from hog fat but from vegetable sources. For what specific reason was this done?
To ensure it could be certified as kosher.

The Coca Cola company decided to replace Coca Cola or Coke by a new product in 1985. Due to a massive consumer backlash, this new product had to be withdrawn and the original Coke reintroduced. The drink officially came to be known as Coca Cola II. What was the popular name of the new drink?
New Coke

This Italian designer originally trained in medicine before becoming a photographer. He then was in the army, and subsequently worked in a department store. He then worked as a designer, and in 1974, he established a menswear label along with his partner. Who?
Giorgio Armani

Which Italian automobile manufacturing company’s crest/logo comes from the founder’s sunsign?
Lamborghini. The bull logo is inspired by the founder’s sunsign Taurus.

This SUV made by an Indian company for a global market was launched in 1996. It was sold under the brandname ‘Goa’ in Western Europe in order to avoid confusion with another automobile there. Which brand?
Scorpio, by Mahindra

Written by thebizquiz

March 14, 2009 at 4:52 pm

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