Business Quiz Zone

for Biz-Savvy Buffs…

Archive for January 2009

BizQuiz #17

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Which Bank is promoted by 20th century Finance Corporation and Keppel Tatlee Bank of Singapore in India?
Centurion Bank.

Name the first Indian woman CEO of foreign bank.
Tarini Vaidya of KBC Bank, India & South Asia.

In Clayton Alderfer’s ERG theory, R stands for Relatedness, G stands for Growth, then what does E stands for?

Who introduced the modern concept of 360 Degree Appraisal?
General Electric Co.

In McKinsey’s 7s Framework there are four Soft Variables : ‘skills’, ‘style’, ‘staff’ and ‘Shared Values’. What are the other three Hard Variables?
Structure, System, Strategy.

Written by thebizquiz

January 21, 2009 at 6:13 pm

BizQuiz #16

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He is the pioneer in Mutual Fund Industry and often referred as the father of Index fund investing. He also created the first S&P 500 index fund. Identify this famous person?
John Bogle.

Cannaught Plaza restaurant and Hardcastle restaurants have had the responsibility for the entry of which MNC to India?

What is the name of the holding company in Jet Airways, promoted by Naresh Goyal?
Tail winds, registered in the Isle of man, Mauritius owns 99.99% in Jet Airways.

Who pioneered the concept ESI, Emotional Surplus Identity, in the area of ‘Management of Corporate Branding’?
Shombit sen gupta.

How ABN – AMRO got its present name?
ABN – ALGEMENE BANK NETHERLAND/AMRO – Formed after the merger of Amsterdamsche Bank and Rotteramsche Bank.Created after the merger of ABN & AMRO in 1991.

BizQuiz #15

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How better do we know Britain-based Littlewoods retail chain now?
Westside Store
[In 1997, Tatas sold Lakme, their cosmetics business, to Hindustan Lever and acquired the Britain-based Littlewoods retail chain. A new entity called Trent Limited emerged from this move and Littlewoods was renamed Westside.]

‘Nobody cares as much’ is the tagline of ?
Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces

From whom did LN Mittal buy his palatial home in UK?
Bernie Ecclestone, the Formula One motor racing tycoon for $120 million from.
[It is called Billioner’s lane where you would find the palaces of Queen, Elton Jhone and such likes.]

Hindustan Motors’ Ambassador adopted its Model from which British car Model?
Morris Oxford.

How do we better know “Burmah Shell ” today ?
BPCL (A Government of India Undertaking )
[Established in 1976, when the Burmah Shell Oil Storage & Distribution Company of India was nationalized]

BizQuiz #14

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When MIT graduate Ray Tomlinson showed his invention to one of his colleagues, he told him: “Don’t tell anyone I did this! This is not what we are supposed to be working on.” What did Tomlinson invent?

Who is the famous brother-in-law of Gururaj Deshpande, the promoter of Sycamore Networks?
N R Narayana Murthy, Infosys Chairman

Which site is the 2nd largest online trading site in India after

What was coined on June 12, 1995 in an e-mail sent by a 52-year old Massachusetts Programmer named David Eddy. He later said, “People were calling it CDC and Faddle.There were other contenders. It just came off my fingertips.” What am I referring to?

Eureka Forbes is a part of which group of companies?
TATA Group

BizQuiz #13

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Cool was codename for what? It was from a major software company based in Washington State, US.
Microsoft’s C#

‘Now, 2 different talcs in the same pack!’. This headline was in the print ad of which talcum powder brand?
Fair and Lovely

What does BPL & LG stands for?
LG – Lucky Goldstar
BPL – British Physical Laboratories

Which is the largest traded e-commerce site in India? [Online Tickets Booking site of Indian Railways]

The Monte Carlo brand is owned by ?
Nahar Group

Written by thebizquiz

January 14, 2009 at 2:34 pm

BizQuiz #12

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One of the most expensive properties on the New York Stock Exchange has the symbol BRKB. Name this very large holding company.
Berkshire Hathaway.

In 2004 this Russian company, founded in 1989, accounted for about 93% of Russian natural gas production.
Gazprom(This company provides energy to more than 12 European nations. Lukoil is Russia’s largest oil company.)

Blagoevgrad BT is this country’s largest cigarette company. Kremikovtzi is its largest metalworking company. Mobiltel is one of its largest communications companies.

The precursor of this company was founded by an employee, Hans Hollerith, of the US Census Bureau in 1896 in Broome County, New York.

In the world of trade and commerce what is special about the commissioning of Monte dei Paschi si Siena in Italy in 1742?
First Trading Bank in the World

BizQuiz #10

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Name the Indian businessman who wrote In the Shadow of the Mahatma: A Personal Memoir.
G D Birla

Which financial newspaper/journal/magazine is famous for Big Mac Index, which uses the price of a big hamburger sold by McDonald’s as an informal measure of exchange rates?
The Economist

Which software head honcho is nicknamed ‘Magus’ meaning ‘wizard’ in Persian?
Shiv Nadar(CEO of HCL, CEO of Hindustan Computers Ltd.)

Which Hollywood studio did Coca-Cola own?
Columbia Pictures(Now owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment.)

Which MNC derives its name from a Buddhist goddess of mercy?